Prominent Ear Aesthetics

Prominent Ear Aesthetics

What is ear surgery (otoplasty)?

Prominent ear aesthetics is a surgical procedure to correct or smooth the shape of the ears. Prominent ear deformity is characterized by the ears often pointing outwards or flaring out more and appearing large. This condition is usually caused by a hereditary factor and occurs during childhood. Prominent ears can often cause children to be teased and lack self-confidence when they reach school age.

Prominent ear aesthetics in Turkey

Prominent ear aesthetics is a procedure performed by making an incision behind the ear to access the ear cartilage to give the ears a more regular shape. During the surgical procedure, the cartilage tissue is thinned, bent or damaged parts are straightened, the earlobe is created and the pinna is brought closer to the skull. The surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia and takes a few hours. You can usually be discharged from hospital the same day.

Prominent ear aesthetics, especially in children and teenagers, can help them increase their self-confidence and get rid of negative experiences such as bullying. The procedure often provides lasting results and helps patients feel more satisfied with the shape and size of their ears.

How is prominent ear surgery done?

Prominent ear surgery is a surgical procedure that is performed by making an incision behind the ear and accessing the ear cartilage to give the ears a more regular shape. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and takes several hours. The steps of the procedure can be listed as follows:

Anesthesia The surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia. This means that only the ear area is numbed.

Incision: The surgeon makes a small incision behind the ear. This incision can be hidden in the natural fold behind the ear, so that the surgical scars are less noticeable.

Cartilage reshaping: The surgeon accesses the ear cartilage and thins the cartilage tissue, straightening bent or damaged parts and bringing the auricle closer to the skull.

Stitches: After the cartilage contouring is complete, the tissues are tightened and closed with small stitches.

Bandage The ear area is covered with a protective bandage or dressing after surgery.

Prominent ear surgery is usually performed successfully and patients can usually be discharged from hospital on the same day. In the postoperative period, patients are usually advised to keep their bandages on for a few days and avoid moving their ears. It is also recommended to avoid playing sports or lifting heavy objects for a few weeks.

When should children undergo prominent ear surgery?

Prominent ear deformity usually becomes apparent before children reach school age and can cause negative experiences such as bullying at school. Therefore, prominent ear surgery in children can usually be performed from the age of 5-6.

It is not recommended to perform surgery before the child's ears are fully developed, before the age of about 5 years. This is because surgery before the ears are fully developed may result in further surgery to change the shape and size of the ears.

However, every child's situation is different and in some cases, ear deformity may become apparent at an earlier age. Therefore, parents who are concerned about their child's ear shape or size are advised to consult a plastic surgeon orotolaryngologist to assess the development of their child's ears and discuss appropriate treatment options.

Update Date: 31.03.2023
Izmir Private Ata Sağlık Hospital
The content of the page is for informational purposes only.
Please consult your physician for diagnosis and treatment.
Aesthetic, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
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